Guided Tour: “Control” By Fally Ipupa – Part 1 of 3

Published 6 years ago

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About the Control Tour

Hello and thank you for joining me on this tour. You can call me Mbonda, and I will be your host during the tour. I will walk you through Control, Fally Ipupa‘s fifth release album. Right now, Fally is probably the most popular Congolese artist worldwide. Going through this blog’s analytics, I discovered users where searching for more information about Fally. They especially seek his Control songs and their meaning.

The first purpose, as said above, is to go around each of the album songs and provide you with some clarity about them. Meanings, lyrics, and translations will help us along. I hope that you will learn at least one interesting thing from the tour. Since Fally went crazy this time around, Control is a 31-song triple-disc album. I still have to research whether a Congolese musician ever did such a thing before. I doubt but would be curious to learn if so, let me know in the comments. Anyway, 31 songs is a long playlist. I, therefore, had to split the tour into three parts. I hope to make it more readable for you. There’s another purpose in the article though. I keep exploring ways to deliver meaningful contents. That’s why I am testing out this tour format. Your feedback would greatly help shape the blog moving forward. You can either let us know in the comments or write us directly via email.

Last but not least, in case a single song brought you here and you don’t want to scroll through all pages, you can jump to your page of interest below.

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Control  ·  Canne à Sucre ·  Aime-moi
Code d’Amour  ·  Maria PM  ·  Punition
La Guerre  ·  Photo  ·  Humanisme
Sans amour  ·  Mbongwana


Next Page: Control


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